



Announcements - Path of Exile: Affliction Item Filter Information - Forum - Path of Exile

Returning Items
Inscribed Ultimatum
Omen of Amelioration
Omen of Return
Omen of Death-dancing
Omen of Refreshment
Omen of the Soul Devourer
Omen of Fortune
Omen of the Jeweller
Omen of Connections
Omen of Blanching
Omen of Adrenaline
Omen of Death's Door
Omen of Brilliance

 死亡時に失った経験値の三倍をジェムに突っ込むOmen of Bequeathal、レベルアップ時に加速のシュラインを作るOmen of Accelerationが消えた。ここらへんは多分想定外の使われ方したんだろう。シュライン作成はフルパで悪さしたんだっけ?

Announcements - Path of Exile 2 and Path of Exile: Affliction Recently Asked Questions - Forum - Path of Exile

How do Vaal versions of Transfigured Gems work?
Transfigured gems can be corrupted to Vaal versions of the gem, but the Vaal Skill that gets added to the Transfigured gem will be the normal Vaal Skill and not a Transfigured version of the Vaal Skill.

 VaalスキルのTrans版はない。Trans GemをVaal化するとTransした普通のスキルとTransでないVaalスキルがつく。
 Alt Qとは挙動が違う。

If you're releasing the Transfigured Gems alphabetically, why are some gems missing?
Not all the Transfigured Gems are quite ready yet. We'll post them when they're ready though!

 Voltaxic Burstとかいうゴミはゴミすぎるので変更なし!wとかそういうノリではないらしい。よかった。

How does respeccing Wildwood Ascendancies work?
Unlike normal Ascendancy Classes, respeccing points in a Wildwood Ascendancy Class only costs one refund point per passive. Also, you do not have to fully refund your Wildwood Ascendancy to switch to a different one. To change your Wildwood Ascendancy, you'll just need to find the associated Azmeri Wanderer in the Viridian Wildwood.


2023/12/07 20:23追記

Does Penance Mark scale with Mark Effect? If so, what does it do?
Yes, Penance Mark scales with Mark Effect. Scaling Mark Effect increases the number of enemy Phantasms spawned.

 Penance Markはちゃんとマークエフェクトでスケールする。Deadeyeなら6体出る。
 これ強すぎんか? というネタが各所で上がっている。jungはlow toleranceとPFの毒移動合わせるとeasy dot cap wtf poe is brokenとのこと。他にもChain系のスキルやヒット時に爆発してそれがOverlapするprojectileスキルはこれで死ぬほど単体DPSが伸ばせる。TSでもWarlockの可能性出てきた……どうしよう……。

Can we please have more details about the skills of the newly shown transfigured minion gems?
The dash attack from Summon Reaper of Eviscerating is identical to the regular version, but has no cooldown.

 Summon Reaper of EvisceratingはReaperが攻撃しなくなるので、つまりReaperを攻撃スキルのように使えるようになるらしい。
 かなりいいのでは? このReaperビルドはかなり興味あります。

Can you please give us the numbers for the Warden of the Maji's Barkskin skill?
Barkskin is a persistent buff that reserves 25% of your mana. Its effects are:

Gain 1 Bark each second if you haven't been Hit by an Enemy Attack Recently
Lose 1 Bark when Hit by an Enemy Attack
15% increased Armour per Bark

  • 15 Physical Damage taken from Attack Hits per Bark

2% more chance to Evade Attacks per Bark below maximum
Maximum 10 Bark

 "Barkskin is a persistent buff that reserves 25% of your mana."

What does Dark Effigy from the Warlock of the Mists do?
Creates a Dark Effigy tethered to you. Damage you take from enemy hits is taken from the Effigy's life before yours, and 200% of damage the Effigy takes from enemy hits is taken from your life before its own. The Effigy is destroyed if you get too far away from it. The effigy is not a minion. Its life scales based on your character level.

 うーん……こいつはちょっと弱そうだな。定点設置スキルで受けるダメージを減らしたい相手ってボスがほとんどだけど、ボスのAoEを人形が踏むと死ぬ。名前忘れたけど外から殴られなくなるバリア張ってるSpectreの隣に置くとか? でもSpectre動いたらダメだしなあ。一応Effigyがdot踏んでもいいのは最低限の良心って感じか。